I just received a few images from Sarah and Ben’s wedding that took place in Naples, FL this past fall. Once I saw the sampling of photos from Binaryflips Photography, I knew that the images from this real wedding were going to fill up more than one blog post! I met Sarah at Washingtonian Bride and Groom’s Unveiled Show last year, which I just so happened to be honored to participate in again just yesterday! I thought it was fitting to showcase Sarah in all her bridal glory. Sarah was not only a beautiful bride on her wedding day, but honestly one of the most kind hearted and thoughtful people I have had the privilege to work with. I know that I have gained a life long friend in this bride!

The elegant bouquet above was not only beautiful but a very special gift! The bride’s dear friend Suha Kaidbey, owner of Le Printemps, brought the lily of the valleys with her from DC and carried them on the plane in a cooler!

The photos of the Rivini dress from Carine’s Bridal Atelier above are a few of my favorites! This was another special delivery from DC to FL. I remember holding my breath taking the dress through security and I may or may not have asked the man next to me to move to another seat so the dress could sit next to me!! I didn’t think it was such a outlandish request, but his eye rolling as he moved may have suggested otherwise 🙂
More of this wedding to come, think mirror calligraphy, bourbon bars and….a Guns n Roses Axl Rose and Slash reunion?!??!?!